Discover everyday encouragement for your heart. Anxiety. Doubt. Faith. Friendship. Success. Work. These are just a few of the timely topics included in this refreshing volume designed to lighten your day and brighten your spirit. Each reading will speak to your heart as you experience the inspiration that can only be found through an intimate relationship with the Master Creator. The more than 200 encouraging devotions are succinct and power packed, perfect on even your busiest day. All wrapped up in a beautiful package, you'll want to buy two-one for yourself and one to bless the life of a friend. Descubre el aliento diario para tu corazón. La angustia. La duda. La fe. La amistad. El éxito. El trabajo. Solo son unos cuantos de los temas oportunos incluidos en este refrescante volumen diseñado para aliviar tu día e iluminar tu espíritu. Cada lectura hablará a tu corazón conforme experimentes la inspiración que solo se puede encontrar mediante una relación íntima con el Maestro Creador. Los más de 200 devocionales inspiradores son sucintos y están llenos de poder, perfectos incluso para tu día más ocupado. Todo esto, bajo una hermosa presentación, del que querrás comprar dos ejemplares, uno para ti y otro para bendecir la vida de una amiga. About the Author Pamela L. McQuade is a freelance writer and editor with dozens of projects to her credit. She began her Barbour writing career with coauthor and good friend Toni Sortor then moved on to write solo. She has also coauthored The Top 100 Men of the Bible with her husband, Drew, under the name Drew Josephs. Over the years, seven basset hounds and three cats have made the McQuade turf their home. Pam and Drew volunteer with a local basset rescue and live within sight of Manhattan's Empire State Building.