Con una sola palabra podemos conocer la verdadera felicidad con Dios. Esta palabra está a la vista en las primeras frases del mayor sermón que Jesús predicó jamás. John MacArthur le muestra cómo transformar su actitud hacia la felicidad e incluso redefinirla. Y todo se reduce a una palabra. Bienaventurado. We can know true happiness with God by knowing one word. This word is in plain view in the first few sentences of the greatest sermon that Jesus ever preached. John MacArthur shows you how you can transform your attitude towards happiness-perhaps even redefine it. And it all comes down to one word. Blessed. About the Author John MacArthur, es el pastor-maestro de la Grace Community Church en Sun Valley, California. Además, es presidente de The Master's College and Seminary. Es un prolífico autor con muchos éxitos de ventas. Su estilo popular de exposición y enseñanza de la Biblia puede escucharse a diario en su programa radial de difusión internacional "Gracia a vosotros".John MacArthur is pastor-teacher of Grace Community Church in Sun Valley, California, as well as author, conference speaker, president of The Master's College and featured teacher with Grace to You, an international radio broadcast. His more than six dozen books have sold millions of copies worldwide and include more than two dozen volumes of The MacArthur New Testament Commentary series.