Luz en Medio de Tinieblas

Luz en Medio de Tinieblas

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This great book provides a perfect guide and direction in answer to these and other questions. From the Back Cover This great book provides a perfect guide and direction in answer to these and other questions. About the Author Prior to his death in 2003, Dr. Bill Bright put into book form what he regarded as the 10 most vital principles every Christian should know and live by. The result is The Joy of Knowing God, a 'simply powerful' 10-book series of Bright's most dynamic messages on successful Christian living. SPANISH BIO: Poco antes de su muerte en el 2003, el Dr. Bill Bright plasmo en un libro lo que consideraba que eran los diez principios de vida mas vitales que todo cristiano deberia conocer. El resultado fue El Gozo e conocer a Dios una serie ' simplemente poderosa' de diez libros con los mensajes mas dinamicos de Bright sobre la vida cristiana victoriosa.