Miles de mujeres sueñan con desarrollar sus talentos y capacidades más allá de ser madres y esposas. Quieren crecer y realizarse. Algunas esconden sus sueños o deciden no albergarlos porque piensan que nunca los van a alcanzar. Pierden la fe que debe acompañar todo sueño. EnMujer, sueña, Omayra Font, la autora del éxito de ventasMujer, valórate, impulsa a las mujeres a atreverse a soñar, y las desafía a realizar sus más grandes sueños compartiendo las ideas prácticas que la han llevado a ella a realizarse en las áreas que siempre soñó, logrando el balance entre sus múltiples prioridades. _ _ _ Thousands of women dream of developing their talents and abilities beyond their roles as mothers and wives. They want to grow and produce. Some women hide their dreams or decide not to pursue them because they assume they are unreachable. They lose the faith that must accompany every dream. InWoman, She Dreams, Omayra Font, author of the bestsellingWoman, Value Yourself, encourages women to dare to dream, and challenges them to achieve their goals by sharing the practical ideas that have helped her to realize her dreams and achieve balance among life's multiple priorities. About the Author Omayra Font representa a la mujer realizada y plena, luchadora y vencedora de grandes adversidades. Empresaria exitosa de paso firme y sabiduría financiera, ha logrado el balance entre ser una esposa solidaria y alentadora, una madre amorosa y dedicada, y una mujer de Dios clara en sus prioridades ministeriales. Es la esposa de Otoniel Font; madre de Joanirie, Janaimar, Jenibelle y Jillianne; pastora de las iglesias Fuente de Agua Viva en Puerto Rico y Orlando, Florida; fundadora y directora de Fountain Christian Bilingual School; y propietaria de Marki, tiendas de ropa para niñas, y de Karen Millen, tienda de ropa para damas. Reside en Puerto Rico junto a su familia. Omayra Font represents the accomplished and fulfilled woman, fighter and overcomer of great adversities. Successful entrepreneur of firm step and financial wisdom, has achieved the balance between being a supportive and encouraging wife, a loving and dedicated mother, and a woman of God clear in her ministry priorities. She is the wife of Otoniel Font; mother of Joanirie, Janaimar, Jenibelle and Jillianne; Pastor of the churches Fuente de Agua Viva in Puerto Rico and Orlando, Florida; founder and director of Fountain Christian Bilingual School; and owner of Marki, clothing stores for girls, and Karen Millen, clothing store for ladies. She lives in Puerto Rico with her family.